I Love My Town

Ansonia was once Derby.
A long time ago.
Like, 110+ years ago.
And you can actually see it too, simply by looking at how it's laid out on a map.
Now, I'm not an historian, of course - yet, I have easily learned to love this town for the history my clan has here.
On each and every visit (when I loved in CNY), I would pass through on the way to the folks' house and hold some sort of reverence to it.

When the time came to actually move - my choice on where to go was obvious.

   Having lived here since last summer, I've had a little time to adjust from the move - find work - blend in. Which is easy to do in Ansonia, since many people here are themselves, from someplace else. It's a valley town rich in history and happenings. Most important to me - it's home!

   My dad was born a couple of miles away, in Derby. My grandfather was born down the street. My great-grandfather was a Prosecuting Attorney here nearly 100 years ago. My great grandmother sang in the old Opera House, downtown (it's still there). My great-great grandfather worked in the "mill down the hill." My paternal grandmother's family founded what is now the oldest shoe store in Connecticut - Hubbell's Shoes.

   Need I go on?

   Once upon a time, I remember wanting to see the world. And with blessings from above, I did. The greatest blessing is being able to return with very deep appreciation and affinity for this area.

   Did I mention we have BEST football team in the state? ( * Heh-heh-heh! *)

   Oh, yeah! - Anyway... I'm home.

   Shortly after I got here, I took a little bike tour. Took a lot of pictures, too. And not too long after that, I had this big PC crash and lost a ton of stuff. Fortunately, I backed things up as I went and managed to retain many of the pics.

   You got a few minutes? Take a look at what I've come home to. And you'll see why...

I love my town!

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